Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Smallest planet outside of our solar system ever found

Scientists have found a planet roughly 5 times the mass of Earth orbiting a red dwarf star called Gliese 436. This planet, named Gliese 436c was found by analyzing a bigger planet's oddities in its orbit around Gliese 436.
This star was found 30 light years away from Earth, in the constellation of Leo. This planet is rocky and with a radius about 50% greater than Earth's.
Scientists hope that in the future, more planets like these and planets that are similar to Earth can be found. They believe that, soon they will find an exoplanet (planet outside our solar system), with a mass very similar to Earth, but it will be a distance much closer to its star, so it will not be like Earth, in that manner.
Planets that are close to the same mass and distance away from its star as Earth will likely have possibilities of Life and develop in a way that can support life. As advancing technologies improve, we will likely see more and more planets discovered that are similar to Earth, moving that much closer, to finding extraterrestrial life (life outside of Earth).