The difference here is that life such as bacteria or single celled organisms who can only just survive cannot be classified as intelligent life. Humans are intelligent life because we can do much more than just survive. There is the principle of having fun and evolving to stages where we create technology and are able to communicate with effectiveness (to communicate beyond simple signals).
Actually, the "communicating with effectiveness" part may be a bit vague. Many people believe that other animals can communicate as well. However, what distinguishes our languages from their languages, is that they simply use signals to show primitive desires or something like telling others there is food around. We humans actually have words for such things as "technology", and can communicate about things other than just the basics needed for survival. Our communication has evolved to a point where the dominant linguistic, left brain side has taken control and we have mostly right handers in the world now (Left brain also controls the right hand and most parts of the body on the right).
To have reached this stage of intelligence, there have been many factors involved, that can only be attained after the previous has been attained. We only have about 1 billion years left to live - if nothing catastrophic happens - on Earth, compared to the 4 billion years since life on Earth started, not even including the the time it took before the 4 billions years to start unintelligent life. Not only must the conditions for life must exist on a planet, there must also be conditions to accommodate the growth of intelligent life. For intelligent life to begin, there must be evolution beyond simply survival. This is why the chances of intelligent life to exist out there to be lower than 0.01%.
This is based on proof from a new mathematical model developed by Prof Andrew Watson from the University of East Anglia.
Though the chances are small, it is still possible. Hopefully, before Earth becomes inhabitable due to the increasing heat coming from the Sun, humans will be able to colonize and move to other suitable planets.
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